Conditions Treated

Below you will see some of the more common conditions we treat - put simply. However this is not an exhaustive list of the many, many different conditions that present to our clinic. If you are at all concerned about a particular condition, or would like to know if our podiatrists can help, please feel free to contact us directly.

Walking Woes
Probably the most common presentations we encounter at Little Big Feet are related to walking (gait) abnormalities. Some alignment issues may be residual from the positioning of the baby in utero, and it may not be until the child is 3-4 years old that we see complete resolution of these in utero effects. Those that become problematic due to simple alignment issues can often be treated simply and conservatively with great results. Some of these conditions include:

  • In-toeing
  • Out-toeing
  • Toe-walking
  • Flat feet
  • Rigid/stiff feet
  • Limb length differences
Delayed Development Difficulties
We encounter a great number of children who show some signs of delayed developmental conditions. Whether it is children who are just a little behind in reaching their developmental milestones, or children affected by specific neurological and developmental disorders, podiatrists can often assist in many ways to improve the child’s walking, balance and motor skills. Some of the more common symptoms we might see include:
  • Tripping
  • Clumsiness
  • Reduced coordination
  • Reduced muscle tone
  • Stiff and jerky gait patterns
Bony Bothers
Whilst many of a baby’s bones begin their development in utero, most do not finish growing until late adolescence. Whilst the bones of the lower limbs are undergoing development, they may be susceptible to certain traumas. Painful locations can be wide and varied, but common sites are where tendons attach to the ‘growing’ bone (for example where the Achilles tendon inserts into the heel bone).

Whilst there are many different bony problems that can arise in any the 28 bones of a child’s developing foot, by far the two most common that we see in the clinic are:
Sever’s disease (at the insertion of the Tendo-Achilles) &
Osgood-Shlatter’s Disease (at the insertion of the Patella Tendon)
Many of the symptoms associated with ‘bony’ issues of the lower limbs can be managed conservatively through podiatric care.

Toe Troubles
Digital deformities amongst children are far more common than most people think! A lot of parents are lead to believe that ‘bad’ toes just come with poor shoes over time; however this is not quite the case for children. Many children acquire familial congenital toe-deformities from birth, whilst others may acquire developmental deformities that appear when the child begins to weight-bear. Some of the common toe-troubles that we encounter include:
  • Curly toes
  • Overlapping toes
  • Hammer toes / Claw toes
  • Juvenile Bunions (Hallux Valgus)
At Little Big Feet we can assist with conservative treatment of these toe conditions and more!

Ingrown toenails are also particularly common amongst children. There are a variety of conservative treatment options that can provide your child with immediate relief. In addition to this, there is a simple procedure that can be performed, which permanently removes the offending piece of nail.

Skin Strife
We all know that kids get sick and catch colds more often than adults do! And similarly, children are far more likely to get fungal (tinea) and viral (plantar warts) infections of the feet. At Little Big Feet we treat these kinds of things each and every day.

Despite what many would consider being ‘adult’ conditions, childhood corns and calluses are also common. These can be quickly and easily relieved with simple debridement and or in-shoe modifications or padding. We’ll soon point you in the direction of pain-free feet!

Sporting Soreness
At Little Big Feet we understand Kids! And we understand that all of that running, skipping, jumping (on and off things!), hopping and chasing… can lead to injuries!

As Podiatrists, we also know that all of this running around isn’t the only reason that kids are more prone to injury. Many of the developing bones in the lower limb have not completed their growing until early adulthood. During these developing years, the child’s bones are much more susceptible to injury and growth-related soreness.

So… whether it’s a fall off the trampoline, sore heels on the rugby field, or painful knees when they’re running around, your Little Big Feet Podiatrists will know just the cure!

Hypermobility Hounds
Hypermobility, or Ligament Laxity, is an affliction commonly seen in children, which is often mistaken (or mislabelled) as “double jointedness”. Put simply, hypermobility is the term applied for global joint flexibility beyond what it normally should be. Many, or some, of the joints in the body may be extra flexible because the ligaments that surround the joint capsule are more ‘lax’ (stretchy).

Generally speaking, this may not be a problem; in fact, these kids make great gymnasts and acrobats! However, allowing the joint(s) to be in a compromised position over many years can results in secondary pathologies.

Although several of the joints in the child’s body may be ‘excessively mobile’, the problems typically present in the lower limbs because this is where the weight bearing happens. Podiatrists see presentations of hypermobility in many different ways. At Little Big Feet, our podiatrists are qualified professionals who are well and truly adept to treat Hypermobility of the Lower Limb.

Growing Grief
As children continue to develop and grow throughout childhood and adolescence, many will experience pain and soreness in their bones, muscles or joints of the lower limbs (often times this is preceding or following rapid growth spurts). You may hear people speak of these pains as ‘growing pains’. ‘Growing pains’ remain questionable in their cause, however they typically present with an underlying foundation such as fatigue, anatomical variation, inflammatory syndrome, overuse syndrome and more. The podiatrists at Little Big Feet will be able to assess your child’s presentation in order to make an accurate diagnosis.

Further Reading
We've uploaded a few of our popular handouts that visiting parents to our clinic often take home: